
What if god were found to exist? What if revenge were possible? Competing groups of occult assassins race to exterminate the creator, with young gun Alix the favorite. But conflict among the Edgemen sends Alix in pursuit of renegade shaman Quinas and a psychic splinter group. Waging multidimensional war, the edgemen travel through sidespace to confront at last the source of evil and hit back at a toxic universe even at the risk of ending it.
This short poetic novella is a dense, corrosive satirical trip. In a departure for Aylett, there are very few humorous diversions. It's like having a bucket of poison sherbet dumped into your head.
"Imagine Gnosticism and Existentialism forced to fuck at gunpoint by a leering gang of vicious academics, or The Matrix choreographed by Samuel Beckett for MTV. Imagine assassinating the entire universe with just one bullet in the right place. Shamanspace is as short, seductive and deadly as a bad midget in a shiny red coat. Aylett deals prose that belongs on the Class A drugs schedule and cruelly condenses two thousand years of dualist thinking into a fluorescent cocktail of cynical adventure. Shamanspace explains why we're here, what it's all for, and why we should try our best to kill it as soon as possible. If you've been waiting for someone to toss off a Bible for the 21st century, if you've been waiting for the kill order on rave culture and the chemical generation, if you've been waiting for the first great neo-modernist novelist of the new century ...your wait is now over."- Grant Morrison, creator of The Invisibles